1.14 – You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet, Baby


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Babies are confusing, Lissa realised early on. They have no logical sleep patterns, they cry but they never explain what they want, and they wave at things that aren’t there. They were, however, adorable.

Lorcán’s sleep schedule may have messed up Lissa’s, but she was content to catch up on sleep whenever she could. After all, she didn’t have to go to work at regular times like Morgan.

Morgan was in heaven.

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“Who’s a smelly baby? You’re a smelly baby!”

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“C’mon little one, drink up. Mummy’s hungry too, and there is a bowl of soup out there with my name on it.”

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“Go get your food, Momo. I’ll take over here.”

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Finally sleeping. This doesn’t happen often.

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Frequent visits from the new grandparents helped keep the household running. It allowed Lissa and Morgan to have some time together to relax, which was a luxury nowadays. Dominic even decided to take up yoga, he spent so much time with them all.

Time flew by, and it seemed like only a few days had passed when Lorcán finally outgrew his cot and greeted childhood.

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Finally sleeping. This doesn’t happen often.

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Finally sleeping. This doesn’t happen often.

He ran to the wardrobe and picked out some new clothes. As it turns out, he inherited his fashion sense from Morgan, as well as the hair. No one was quite sure where he got his purple eyes from, though.

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(A/N Look at that face!So much Morgan in him.)

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